Air Conditioner

Signs Your A/C Needs a Tune-Up

Signs Your A/C Needs a Tune-Up

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your air conditioning running efficiently and preventing costly repairs. However, it can be challenging to know when your A/C needs attention. Champion Home Services, serving San Antonio, highlights the...

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What’s a Good SEER2 Rating for My AC?

What’s a Good SEER2 Rating for My AC?

When it comes to selecting a new air conditioning system, one of the most critical factors to consider is its efficiency. In the HVAC industry, efficiency is measured by the SEER2 rating, a crucial metric that helps homeowners understand...

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“Baby” Air Conditioners All Grown Up

“Baby” Air Conditioners All Grown Up

If you ever travel overseas, you’ll notice the rest of the world handles air conditioning in a very different way than we do here in the USA. You’ll see lots of briefcase-sized air conditioners connected to small, wall-mounted air handlers...

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5 Pet Safety Tips For Hot Weather

5 Pet Safety Tips For Hot Weather

Since National Cat Day was August 8th and National Dog Day is August 26th, it’s the perfect time to brush up on pet safety during the summer months. The heat can be particularly tough on pets, so here are some safety tips to ensure they stay...

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