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Solving AC Issues at Home Your air conditioner is your best friend during the hottest months of the year. Turning a sweaty, sticky day into a comfortable, cool one is its specialty! That is, until something goes wrong. Air conditioners are...
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It goes without saying that a broken window is a huge inconvenience. First off, there’s broken glass to clean up. Secondly, if you weren’t home when it happened, there’s the risk of pets getting out or intruders getting in. And of course...
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If you’ve noticed a musty, damp smell in your house, it may not be from your teenager’s gym socks (although it could be!). It may be a sign that there is mold and mildew growth inside your HVAC system. If you suspect your HVAC is the culprit...
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We might not realize it, but the air in our homes can be just as polluted as the air outside. In fact, according to the EPA, indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air. And with Americans spending 90% of their time indoors...
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As the weather turns cold, you will start using the heating system in your Folly Beach, South Carolina, home. You must make sure that your system is working properly. While your home’s heat pump may not have had any issues in past years, you...
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testing post The post testing post appeared first on NRG Heating and Air Conditioning | Furnace Repair, HVAC Repair, Heating Repair, Furnace Replacement, HVAC Replacement, HVAC Maintenance. Source link
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Heat pumps are an important aspect of home heating and cooling, but most people don’t know how to properly maintain them. There are many signs that you need to service your heat pumps in Scottsdale, AZ. The following list describes some signs the...
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On cold winter days, nobody wait to take a warm bath. It is very important to know how long it takes to heat a 40-gallon water tank, for a family. It is important to know that how long it takes to charge the water heater correctly & safely...
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Koolfog worked with Republic Services to introduce dust suppression mist and fog systems into their Huntington Beach Transfer Station (TS) and Materials Recovery (Recycling) Facility (MRF) buildings to reduce the potential for fugitive dust...
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As a homeowner, there is nothing more disappointing than a broken furnace. But, unfortunately, we all have to deal with heating system maintenance concerns at some point in our lives. While you should get your furnace serviced as soon as possible...
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A blog consists of frequently, new posts or sometimes called articles, in reverse chronological order. So basically, the latest post appears first on a page. Plus, a blog allows for reader engagement. There’s usually a section at the bottom of...