“FMHero has transformed the way I work. I can come down from the rooftop, and sit in my truck to do documentation. It used to be that the documentation took the most time. Now it’s the recovery that takes the most time.”
Myomyron (Myron), HVAC Technician
“I love how I can keep track of all my refrigerant usage and cylinders in one place. FMHero is a must-have for any HVAC professional.“
Anonymous, HVAC Specialist
“FMHero shields you, it’s that simple. Your camera scans name plates, your phone’s location pulls down addresses automatically, add a few screen taps – Done!”
Gabar (Adam), FMHero Founder
“FMHero is a game changer. Finally a functional compliance tool teams will actually use and owners can stop wondering where all their gas went.”
Quantum Skyfire (Matt), Automation Integration
“Keep your team honest and hold your reclaimer accountable. Every HVAC contractor should use FMHero.“
Rapid (Rich), Retired Reclaimer
“FMHero is more than just an app—it’s a game-changer for HVACR technicians and facility managers dedicated to sustainability. We’ve designed FMHero to make compliance simple, efficient, and even enjoyable, with tools that help track every service order, save time documenting, and manage refrigerants responsibly. Our mission is to turn every technician into a superhero, and together, we’re building a greener future, one service call at a time.“
Ironclad (Rodney), FMHero Founder
“FMHero is your own SuperHero sidekick that isn’t Imaginary!”
Sanctum Redemptor (Les), FMHero Founder