How Do You Know If Your Furnace Thermostat Is Malfunctioning? | Kitchener ON

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Given the important role furnaces play in keeping us comfortable during winters, it might not be wrong to say that they are one of the most preferred electronic devices. An effective furnace can keep your house warm during the winter.

Therefore, all the components of your HVAC machine must remain in accurate working condition. One such component of your heating system is the thermostat, which serves as your interface with the system. This is why you should call experts for heating repair in Cumming as soon as it becomes malfunctioning to avoid costly repairs.

How to tell if your furnace thermostat is malfunctioning?

Below are some common symptoms that indicate a broken thermostat.

  • Your HVAC System is Constantly Switching On and Off

As previously stated, the fundamental function of a thermostat is to communicate with your HVAC system. It delivers signals to your HVAC system to either raise or drop the temperatures.

If your furnace has ceased responding to thermostat commands, the thermostat is most likely malfunctioning. In such situations, it is better to hire a skilled HVAC technician for heating service in Duluth who can find the problem and inform you if the thermostat needs to be repaired or replaced.

  • Incorrect Thermostat Settings

Correct thermostat measurements ensure that your rooms do not become overheated or underheated. When your thermostat begins to display inaccurate temperatures, it may be time to consider repairing or replacing it.

To ensure that the temperature is accurate, use a compact inside thermometer to take an authentic reading. If the readings are incorrect, the thermostat’s sensor may be faulty.

  • Unusually High Electricity Bills

Like most individuals, you’re probably always searching for methods to reduce your energy expense. Inefficient HVAC systems might have the opposite impact. You discover that you must pay a hefty energy bill than usual. The thermostat is the one to be blamed.

A thermostat that isn’t detecting the temperature perfectly will likely cause your furnace to overwork. The higher the power consumption, the more times the device cycles per hour.

Like all other devices, your thermostat will eventually grow old and obsolete. Most house thermostats have a 10-year lifespan. However, as better, more efficient thermostats enter the marketplace, you may need to update yours sooner.

You might want to change a non-programmable thermostat with a customizable alternative. The latter type of thermostat outperforms the older one.

  • Thermostat is Unresponsive to Changed Parameters

When you change your thermostat’s temperature controls, it must react quickly. When you make the changes, you should hear minor clicking sounds, and your HVAC system should immediately start. If your HVAC system does not turn on as soon as you make these changes, it most likely has a problem and needs to be fixed.

One of the most likely causes for upgrading aging thermostats is short cycling. The issue arises when the machine shuts down too soon, failing to finish a heating cycle.

Staton Heating and AC is one of the leading companies for cooling and heating service in Duluth, and our experts can help you get the most affordable HVAC services. For more details, call us at (770) 746-6727.

Whether you require installation, repair, or maintenance, our technicians will assist you with top-quality service at any time of the day or night. Take comfort in knowing your indoor air quality is the best it can be with MOE heating & cooling services Ontario's solution for heating, air conditioning, and ventilation that’s cooler than the rest.
Contact us to schedule a visit. Our qualified team of technicians, are always ready to help you and guide you for heating and cooling issues. Weather you want to replace an old furnace or install a brand new air conditioner, we are here to help you. Our main office is at Kitchener but we can service most of Ontario's cities

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