Utilizing Digital Marketing to Hire the Talent You Want/Need

Utilizing Digital Marketing to Hire the Talent You Want/Need

“Using data and analytics [and] digital platforms enable contractors to reach a broader, more diverse audience while still providing the ability to target specific demographics that match their desired candidate profiles.”

– Fred Ghilino

account director


Most, if not all, HVACR contractors are already utilizing digital marketing in some form. Whether digital marketing helps them attract quality leads, enhance their brand, or showcase their expertise; or they use it for search engine optimization (SEO) or geofencing — they’ve already invested in it.  

One way that digital marketing can prove particularly useful to contractors, which some of them have yet to realize, is in the significant opportunity it provides to attract and hire the right talent.  

“Using data and analytics [and] digital platforms enable contractors to reach a broader, more diverse audience while still providing the ability to target specific demographics that match their desired candidate profiles,” said Fred Ghilino, account director at Turchette.  



A lot of HVAC companies are already leveraging digital marketing to hire in a variety of ways. Not surprisingly, one way is through social media. 

“In addition to utilizing social media platforms — such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram – to create organic, engaging job posts, some contractors are also investing in targeted paid advertising on Facebook, LinkedIn, and even Google to highlight job benefits and career opportunities,” Ghilino said. 

Social media platforms, trade publications, or industry-specific job boards can help contractors more efficiently reach their targeted hiring demographics — whether it be a seasoned veteran or fresh blood. 

“Promoting internship, mentorship, and apprenticeship programs through these digital channels may further strengthen connections with emerging talent cost-effectively,” said Molly Bakewell Chamberlin, president and principal consultant at Embassy Global, LLC. 

HVAC-specific job platforms usually already provide targeted job postings and vetted talent. To name a few: HVAC Jobs Center, HVAC Crossing, ConstructionJobs.com, iHireConstruction. Contractors can utilize digital marketing on these platforms by promoting job openings. Depending on the platform, there might not even be an associated cost to do so.  

And the opportunities that digital marketing offers contractors to hire don’t stop there.  

In addition to targeted ads and leveraging social media, contractors can also showcase their company culture and employee testimonials on the company website (and social media) to attract potential hires, said James Van Horn, SEM program manager at BNP Engage.  

“Creating content that highlights the benefits of working at the company, such as blog posts, videos, and employee spotlights,” Van Horn said. 

Additionally, SEO for job postings: “Optimizing job postings on the company website to appear in search results when potential candidates search for HVAC jobs,” Van Horn said.  



For those contractors new to digital marketing for recruitment, some first steps should include defining the target audience, optimizing the company website, leveraging social media, creating engaging content, or using PPC (pay-per-click) advertising, which involves setting up targeted ads on Google and social media to reach those potential, ideal candidates. 

Bakewell Chamberlin suggests starting with a regularly updated website and social media presence. 

 “Building strong LinkedIn and Indeed profiles, and engaging with trade schools and association job boards online, can be practical initial steps,” she said.  

This includes making sure there is a dedicated career page with detailed job descriptions and a streamlined application process. 

“Additionally, optimizing these career pages with targeted keywords can enhance search engine rankings, which aids in attracting more candidates. … They should also examine how their company is reviewed on Google and on employment review sites such as Glassdoor.com,” Ghilino said. 

Van Horn said contractors have to define their target audience, meaning they need to identify the demographics and skills of the ideal candidates.  

After identifying that target audience, contractors should develop a digital marketing strategy for each open job position in alignment with that defined, targeted audience. This could include focusing/shifting their efforts to the social media platforms that make the most sense for the open job positions. 

“From there, contractors could choose to utilize small-budget targeted ads on Google and Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, as well as engage with current employees by encouraging or incentivizing them to share job openings within their networks,” Ghilino said.  

Contractors already utilizing digital marketing to hire have likely already begun to reap its benefits.  

“Contractors using digital marketing have reported a significant increase in the number of applicants,” Van Horn said. “Targeted ads and SEO have helped contractors attract more qualified candidates. … Social media and content marketing have improved the perception of companies as desirable places to work.” 

Contractors who do decide to invest in these digital marketing strategies are likely to see continued increased visibility, and have an easier time attracting high-quality candidates over time. 

“Additionally, these strategies can improve organic search results and grow new business inquiries through enhanced website traffic and engagement,” said Bakewell Chamberlin. 

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) can also significantly enhance the digital marketing recruitment process. Some ways AI can help, Van Horn said, include automated resume screening, predictive analytics, chatbots for initial screening, enhanced job matching, bias reduction, improved candidate experience, and data-driven insights. 



To find success in hiring with digital marketing, contractors have to ensure they are avoiding some of the key mistakes. Such as having a difficult application process.  

“Simplify the application process with clear instructions and easy-to-follow steps to make it as easy as possible for applicants to apply,” Ghilino said.  

Contractors should also have consistent branding and messaging across all platforms to create a cohesive brand look and feel, while also ensuring they aren’t ignoring their mobile users. 

“Ensure your website and job listings are mobile-friendly,” Van Horn said.  

Digital marketing campaigns also have to be regularly monitored and then adjusted based on the data of each campaign, which involves responding to potential candidates.  

“Failing to respond to comments and inquiries in a timely manner can make the company appear unresponsive,” Ghilino said.  

Van Horn said other common mistakes to avoid are targeting the wrong audience, not showcasing company culture, and neglecting SEO.  

Bakewell Chamberlin said to avoid overpromising in job ads. 

“This approach tends to lead to better outcomes by targeting the right audience and reducing inquiries from underqualified applicants, which can support a more efficient hiring process,” Bakewell Chamberlin said.  

At the end of the day, the most successful HVAC contractor digital-marketing-talent-acquisition campaigns often stand out for their authenticity. Not only do they clearly communicate company culture and values, they also highlight available employee benefits, and required skills and qualifications, and they do it on platforms where it’s sure to get a lot of eyeballs. 

As with any new strategy, though, it’s not a silver bullet. While digital marketing can be highly effective for hiring, the best results are typically achieved when it complements traditional methods and channels, Bakewell Chamberlin said, rather than replacing them entirely. 

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