What To Do When Your AC Unit Is Leaking | Kitchener ON

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What To Do When Your AC Unit Is Leaking | Kitchener ON

Homeowners in Florida know the importance of having a well-functioning air conditioner at home. It helps to keep them cool and comfortable while doing their daily tasks. But as in other systems, issues tend to develop over time because there is a lack of maintenance or because the AC unit is already too old. One of the most common problems reported by HVAC owners is a water leak in their AC units.

What Causes the Leak?

It’s normal for your air conditioner to have minimal leaks of water while it runs. This leakage is mainly because of the produced condensation in the evaporator coil as it cools the air in your home. On the other hand, there are other causes of water leaks in your AC. These causes include a clogged drainpipe, congested air filter, and even a cracked drain pan.

However, your AC also tends to leak refrigerant other than water. Refrigerant is a gas compound that, in the condensation process, turns into liquid. It is responsible for absorbing heat and exchanging it for cool air through the compressors and evaporators. Metal erosion leading to the formation of holes in the coils is one reason your AC leaks. This erosion results in low levels of refrigerants that affect the cooling efficiency of your unit.

Also, unlike water, a leaking refrigerant is considered a health hazard that leads to poisoning. Its symptoms include headache, dizziness, and vomiting. Some signs of a refrigerant leak include a decreased cooling power and a hissing sound from your unit.

What Can You Do?

Leaks in your AC unit are best left to trained technicians who know how to detect and solve them. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t take simple measures to avoid further damage. Here’s what you can do:

  • Put small buckets or containers in the area where there are water drops from the leak.
  • Inspect your filters and see if they need to be replaced.
  • Check the drain pan for small cracks and try to fix them using epoxy glue or water sealant.
  • Look into the thermostat to check if the temperature reading differs from the air emitted in the room.

Reach Out to a Professional

The ideal thing to do is to ask for help from specialists to ensure the right solutions are provided for your air conditioner. Contact A Plus Air Conditioning and Refrigeration in Gainesville, FL for all problems related to your AC unit leaking. Book our experts today!

Whether you require installation, repair, or maintenance, our technicians will assist you with top-quality service at any time of the day or night. Take comfort in knowing your indoor air quality is the best it can be with MOE heating & cooling services Ontario's solution for heating, air conditioning, and ventilation that’s cooler than the rest.
Contact us to schedule a visit. Our qualified team of technicians, are always ready to help you and guide you for heating and cooling issues. Weather you want to replace an old furnace or install a brand new air conditioner, we are here to help you. Our main office is at Kitchener but we can service most of Ontario's cities

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