What To Expect From Your AC Tune-Up | Kitchener ON

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What To Expect From Your AC Tune-Up | Kitchener ON

There is nothing more essential than a yearly AC tune-up. Our Max Air Conditioning & Heating team recommends you receive AC maintenance at least once a year.

We will explain why this is essential throughout this blog and what you can expect from our team during your tune-up!

When Should I Schedule My Next AC Tune-Up?

The best time to schedule your tune-up is in early spring. The weather here in Texas can get pretty hot during the summer months. So, the last thing you want to experience on a hot day is an issue with your HVAC unit. You’ll want to make sure your AC unit is up for the task of keeping you cool all summer long.

The Importance of an AC Tune-Up

Just like your car needs regular maintenance, so does your HVAC unit. Regularly getting your system maintenance will drastically improve its longevity. Tune-ups can be preventative and help you lower future HVAC maintenance costs.

Prevent Future Repair Costs

As mentioned above, a regular tune-up can help you prevent future repair costs. By receiving your regular maintenance, our team will assess any issues with your unit and handle the problem before it becomes a more extensive issue. 

More Energy Efficient HVAC System

HVAC tune-ups can also leave you with a more energy-efficient system and help lower your energy bill. The difference in your summer’s energy bills can pay for your tune-up costs and much more. 

Making Sure You Have a Reliable Machine

Your tune-up ensures you have a smooth-running system before the heat outside begins to rise. Tune-ups will also give you peace of mind as a homeowner that your system is well prepared for the heat of the summer months. Ultimately, this seasonal maintenance will address any issues with your system. 

Maintain Your Warranty

If your unit needs a repair or replacement, your claim may be denied if you cannot show proper maintenance and upkeep. Regular HVAC maintenance and tune-ups are crucial to your systems’ health, and many manufacturers will include this in their warranty clause. 

What Happens During Your AC Tune-Up

Now that we have shown you the reasons regular AC maintenance is so crucial, we want to explain the process of a tune-up. When we visit your home for your maintenance in the spring, here is what you can expect:

  • Thermostat testing and settings review
  • Electrical connection tightening
  • Measuring refrigerant levels and charge
  • Lubrication for all moving parts
  • Controls check
  • Check and straighten fins
  • Clean condensate drain
  • Change air filter
  • Coil cleaning
  • Evaluation of the performance of blower motor and blower belt 
  • Testing of capacitors and operations

While these are things our professionals will do to help keep your system running smoothly, there are some things we recommend homeowners do in the meantime:

  • Be sure you are keeping the area around your unit clean
  • Check your air filters at least once a month
  • Make sure your thermostat settings are fit for your size home

There is no better time than the present to schedule your HVAC tune-up. If you need maintenance or something more serious such as AC repair, Max Air Conditioning & Heating is here to help you!

Our professionally trained team is here to service all homes in the Arlington and DFW area.

Whether you require installation, repair, or maintenance, our technicians will assist you with top-quality service at any time of the day or night. Take comfort in knowing your indoor air quality is the best it can be with MOE heating & cooling services Ontario's solution for heating, air conditioning, and ventilation that’s cooler than the rest.
Contact us to schedule a visit. Our qualified team of technicians, are always ready to help you and guide you for heating and cooling issues. Weather you want to replace an old furnace or install a brand new air conditioner, we are here to help you. Our main office is at Kitchener but we can service most of Ontario's cities

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